The Work Number Employment History Report


Paid Service: We manage the process. Use our technology and an independent law firm to send a legal request for your credit report.



Provides employment and income information. It includes data collected from employers and large private sector payroll processors. The Work Number provides this information to employers. It also provides this information to government agency clients to determine, for example, an applicant?s social service eligibility, or, say, to inform child support collections and enforcement. Equifax Workforce Solutions, also known as TALX Corporation, operates The Work Number. TALX is a wholly owned subsidiary of Equifax.

Equifax Workforce Solutions
Attn: TALX EDR ? FCRA Compliance
1845 Borman Ct. Suite 337 St. Louis, MO 63146

Annual Disclosure Request

Download a sample form to request a free annual copy of your Equifax Workforce Solutions Report from Equifax ?The Work Number?. Or call Equifax Workforce Solutions ? The Work Number (TALX) toll-free at 1-866-604-6570. Equifax Workforce Solutions ? The Work Number (TALX), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Equifax, Inc.

What is the Equifax Workforce Solutions from ?The Work Number??

The Work Number is a paid employment verification database operated by the TALX Corporation (owned by Equifax Inc.). The Work Number database contains more than?300?million entries and is used by by over 50,000 organizations to verify employment data.? All consumers are entitled to an annual disclosure of the Employment Data Report from The Work Number (a service of TALX / Equifax, Inc.).

Does Equifax Workforce Solutions from ?The Work Number? have information about me?

Your Employment Data Report contains (1) employment and income information from your employers who send data to The Work Number, (2) information about lenders, credit agencies, and other verifiers that have received your data, and (3) any messages, alerts, or statements you have requested be put in your data file.? To request your Employment Data Report from the database of The Work Number (a service of TALX / Equifax Inc.) consumers can call 1-866-604-6570 or mail your ?The Work Number (a service of TALX)? request to ?The TALX Corporation, ATTN: Employment Data Report ? Dept 19-10 11432, Lackland Street, Saint Louis, MO 63146.?


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